How do you do Anapana meditation?


I've said at my last post that buddhist are meditating with vippassana meditation and sammatha meditation . Total meditation techniques Fourty one . 
Vippassana meditation =1
Sammatha meditation =40
in their vippassana meditation is very famous but today we are discussing about anapana meditation it is under of sammatha meditation . This meditation most of the meditator follow. Lord Buddha preached his quotes with pali language this anapana  also is a pali language. Anapana Ana+Pana Ana meaning breath in and Pana meaning breath out . In this Anapana meditation everything around of breath so every meditator has to follow in breath . when any meditator breath in than he has to remember Ana and when any meditator breath out than he has to remember Pana .If any meditator feel any problem say like this than say which your to advantage say with your language . Most of the meditator are beggining with this Anapana meditation because  it is very easy to begginers . This meditation you have to practice in desolate house when you are alone . You have to practice day by day till you reach in deep . If you can go in deep meditation with this anapana meditation you will feel something. Ok follow some step go to in deep meditation .
When you take long breath then you have to know "I'm taking long breath" 
When you take short breath then "I'm taking short breath"you have to think like this but  don't say or
when the time shortness out of breath you have to know "I'm breathing shortness" This meditation totally rely on breath  so when you think i'll respire quite then you have to know" I'll respire quitely"  . And  ‘you think i'll  breath quitely then you have to know "I'll breath quitely"

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